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  • 🌐Building Virtualness to simplify Web3 (Issue 012)

🌐Building Virtualness to simplify Web3 (Issue 012)

Plus: Sharpen the Axe, A true Visionary, Don’t Forget Napoleon.

In today’s Issue đŸ“„ :

  • Virtualness to make Web3 easier.

  • Sharpen the Axe.

  • A true Visionary.

  • Don’t Forget Napoleon.


Kirthiga Reddy is developing Virtualness to make Web3 easier for creators and companies.

What’s Sipping? ☕ Kirthiga Reddy discusses the Virtualness game plan, which intends to assist creators and companies in capitalizing on the blockchain and Web3 opportunities.

Kirthiga Reddy, Co-founder and CEO of Virtualness, is leading a mobile-first platform that simplifies Web3 for creators and brands to capture the value-creation opportunity that blockchain presents. She aims to scale the business and increase female founder representation in the tech industry.

In an interview with YourStory’s Founder and CEO Shradha Sharma, Kirthiga shares her journey from a determined schoolgirl to leadership roles in companies such as Meta and SoftBank.

“People don’t care about technology; they care about use cases,” says Kirthiga, Showing why it is crucial to understand and offer technology from the standpoint of users.

Web1 allowed brands to communicate through websites, while Web2 enabled two-way communication and relationship building between consumers and brands on social media platforms. However, operationalizing the entire value chain across multiple platforms and tools was a challenge.

Web3, the next progression of the digital world, utilizes blockchain technology to integrate the experience for the audience, creators, and brands. However, many creators find it daunting and only a small percentage can leverage it. The complexity of Web3 overwhelms the next 20% who want to try and often leads to them giving up.

“We saw the opportunity in that complexity,” says Kirthiga, explaining the problem they are seeking to tackle with Virtualness.

Virtualness is being developed to provide an integrated platform for content design, creation, and monetization, as well as to incorporate the current Web2 social media presence.

“It provides a technology-enabled, end-to-end experience that lets them truly get the value of Web3 and blockchain,” Kirthiga says.

The platform is set to launch in the first half of 2023. The crew is dispersed across the US, India, Dubai, and Singapore.

Dreams are not Just for Sleeping Anymore – The Significance of Aspirations

A believer in dreaming big, Kirthiga’s advice for women is to “have high aspirations and write them down”. She emphasizes the necessity of seizing opportunities, stating that women are less likely than males to raise their hands for a job unless they consider themselves a great fit. She claims that her participation at Meta arose from her expressing her interest in establishing Meta in India to Sheryl Sandberg, whom she was connected to through a mutual contact.

After a year of deliberations, Meta agreed to create an India office, and Kirthiga got the opportunity she was searching for. As one of the few female founders in the Web3 space, Kirthiga hopes to set new standards.


đŸȘ“ Sharpen the Axe

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe“

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying this phrase in which he discusses the importance of preparation. When it comes to learning, preparation is everything.

The lesson from this quote is clear: Before starting any task, it is essential to prepare, plan and gather the right resources. This means investing time and effort in sharpening your skills, knowledge, and mindset.

For instance, if you are planning to start a business, you must first learn about the industry, your target audience, competitors, and potential opportunities. You must also sharpen your skills in areas such as marketing, finance, and leadership to increase your chances of success.

Similarly, if you want to achieve success in your career, it is important to invest time and effort in developing your skills and knowledge. Attend training programs, read books, and network with experts in your field to gather valuable insights and enhance your understanding. Sharpening your axe before taking on a task will increase your efficiency and effectiveness, making it easier for you to achieve your goals.


đŸ“ș Elon Musk’s interview from 1988 on the internet emerges; netizens say ‘a true visionary’.

Don’t Forget Napoleon: Russia Tells France’s Macron Over Regime Change Remark

What’s the tension? Macron called for Russia’s defeat in Ukraine on Sunday. The Russian reference to Napoleon occurred in the context of his failed invasion of Russia in 1812, in which he lost about 500,000 troops. The battle is thought to have started his downfall.

Previously: French President Emmanuel Macron told the daily Le Journal du Dimanche that his country wants the Kremlin to lose the struggle against Ukraine, but not “crush” it. “I do not think, as some people do, that we must aim for a total defeat of Russia, attacking Russia on its own soil
 That has never been the position of France and it will never be our position,” he stated, according to AfP.

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated in response, “About ‘Never’: France did not begin with Macron, and the bones of Napoleon, respected at the state level, rest in the center of Paris. France, as well as Russia, should understand.” Napoleon was mentioned in the context of his failed invasion of Russia in 1812, in which he lost nearly half a million men. The battle is thought to have started his downfall.

Why did France invade Russia under Napoleon? In 1807, after winning the battle of Friedland, Napoleon signed the Treaties of Tilsit with Russia’s Tsar Alexander I, marking the beginning of an alliance between the two empires. As part of the agreement, Russia joined Napoleon’s Continental Blockade, which banned trade with Britain, causing damage to the Russian economy. This led to the Tsar breaking the agreement in 1810 and trading with Britain openly, leading to tensions between France and Russia. In 1812, Napoleon sent his Grande ArmĂ©e into Russia, after negotiations failed.

Invasion did not succeed: but why? Napoleon planned to win the war against Russia within 20 days, relying on his tried and tested method of moving his men to key positions and then destroying the enemy. However, the Russian army retreated to the interior regions, forcing the French to cover longer distances than expected, which caused a shortage of supplies, particularly food. The Russians adopted a scorched earth policy, destroying everything possible as they retreated, which exacerbated the food scarcity.

French soldiers suffered from hunger, fatigue, and diseases such as typhus and diarrhea, and over 200,000 were either dead or hospitalized by the time they captured Moscow in September. The Tsar refused to respond to any of Napoleon’s proposed negotiations, so the French emperor ordered his men to return, but the retreat was disastrous, with soldiers freezing to death in the bone-chilling cold of Russia. By the time the army crossed into Poland in December, less than 100,000 soldiers remained of the 600,000 who crossed into Russia five months earlier.

Macron’s comment about Russia in the ongoing war: Others in the West have occasionally criticized France for its stance. It has not always taken part in the fight as fiercely as its allies want it to, despite denouncing Russian conduct and giving Ukraine weaponry.


19th Feb: NASA Astronomical Picture of the Day for 19th Feb 2023, captured a terrifying image of the well-known 7 Dusty Sisters. It is also known as the Pleiades star cluster because of its characteristic blue stars. The image, however, is in infrared light, and the surrounding dust outshines the stars. NASA has indicated that the exhibited image spans approximately 20 light-years at the distance of the Pleiades, which is approximately 450 light-years distant from the Bull’s constellation (Taurus).

Pray: “Bleach is my friend right now,” says Annette Cameron, a Yale School of Medicine pediatrician who spent the first half of this week spraying and sloshing the strong chemical all over her house. It’s one of the few tools she has to tackle norovirus, a nasty intestinal bug that her 15-year-old son has recently been shedding in large quantities.

ChatGPT: A woman used the AI bot and instructed it to write to the airline a “polite but passively aggressive and firm” email after a six-hour delay in flight.

Saudi’s Mega: According to Arab News, the Saudi government has unveiled plans for a large new planned skyscraper called New Murabba in the country’s capital Riyadh. The massive structure is poised to change downtown Riyadh with all of its interesting features. The Mukaab, as it will be known, will be the focal point of the city’s new downtown core known as New Murabba, according to the outlet.

Ola: A day after Ola Electric Mobility signed an MoU with the Tamil Nadu government for an investment of Rs 7,614 crores to establish an electric vehicle hub with an integrated two-wheeler, four-wheeler, and lithium cell gigafactories, industry experts and the Karnataka Opposition Congress slammed the Bommai-led BJP government for missing out on the investment.

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