🍒 Little Cherry Mom

Plus: Living with Purpose, NR Narayana Murthy’s regret.

ISSUE #043

Good Morning! Sippers,

Little Cherry Mom is a one-of-a-kind healthy food brand that offers nutritious products for babies, based on millet. Founded in 2022, the startup has already catered to over 12,000 customers and earned a revenue of almost Rupees 1 crore.

In today’s Issue 📥 : 

  • Introducing Little Cherry Mom.

  • Living with Purpose.

  • NR Narayana Murthy’s regret.


Introducing Little Cherry Mom: A Millet-Based Healthy Food Brand for Babies

Jyoti Srivastava, a chemical engineer from Uttar Pradesh, India, is the founder of Little Cherry Mom. After facing issues with breastfeeding her son, Jyoti began researching healthy food options for babies and discovered the nutritional benefits of millet. She left her job to focus on her baby and started her entrepreneurial journey in 2019.

🌱 Millets: The Key Ingredient: Millet, the primary ingredient in Little Cherry Mom’s products, is rich in protein and calcium and has healing properties. Scientific evidence shows that millet can boost child growth by 50 percent and are effective in overcoming malnutrition. Little Cherry Mom’s products are based on extensive research and stand out from the competition.

🍼 The First 1,000 Days of a Child’s Life: Little Cherry Mom offers healthy food options during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, particularly between 6-24 months, which is a critical period for growth and development. Failure to introduce complementary foods during this period can lead to physical and brain growth faltering, micronutrient deficiency, malnutrition, and infectious diseases.

💪 Contributing to Healthy Development: In addition to offering nutritious products, Jyoti has trained more than 300 mothers and helped them cook millet-based recipes for their babies. She aims to expand her training to rural areas of the country to enable women to provide the right kind of nutrition for their babies.

👩‍👧‍👦 Empowering Women in India: Jyoti’s journey highlights the challenges faced by women in India who leave their jobs after the age of 30 to take care of children. Little Cherry Mom’s success has led to recognition by the state government, and Jyoti is contributing to the healthy development of babies, which is the foundation of the country.

🌟 Future Plans: Jyoti is planning to introduce milk mixes and millet-based cereals next month, expanding the range of Little Cherry Mom’s nutritious products.

Little Cherry Mom is making a significant impact on the lives of babies and mothers in India by providing them with healthy food options and empowering them with knowledge.


Living with Purpose: An Indian Proverb to Inspire Your Daily Actions

The Indian proverb “Every time you wake up and ask yourself, ‘What good things am I going to do today?’ remember that, when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it.” is a powerful reminder of the importance of living with purpose.

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to pause and reflect on our actions.

An example is Kiran Bir Sethi, the founder of the Riverside School in India. She believes that education is a powerful tool for change and has dedicated her life to transforming the way children are taught. Her school focuses on empowering students to take action in their communities and make a positive impact on the world.

In his book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”

Frankl’s experience in Nazi concentration camps taught him that even in the most horrific circumstances, humans can find purpose and meaning in life. He believed that finding meaning and purpose is essential for our well-being and helps us to endure and overcome even the most challenging circumstances.

These examples remind us that living with purpose means asking ourselves what good we can do each day. It means setting goals and taking actions that align with our values and beliefs. It means being mindful of how we spend our time and making choices that contribute to the greater good.

In the words of author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” By setting goals and living with purpose, we can make a difference in the world and leave a positive legacy for future generations.


NR Narayana Murthy, regrets not bringing his mother to Infosys earlier

Photographer: Aparna Jayakumar/Bloomberg via Getty Images

What’s sipping? ☕ During a book launch event in Ahmedabad on Sunday, Narayana Murthy expressed one of his biggest regrets in life- not being able to invite his mother to Infosys until her final days. The 76-year-old business magnate confessed that he was too busy building Infosys during that time.

🤝 Humility has been key to his success, says Murthy: Narayana Murthy revealed that there were many people who were smarter than him both in college and his industry. However, he believes it was his humility that allowed him to reach greater heights in his career. According to him, having your feet on the ground is the key to success.

💡 Mahatma Gandhi is his inspiration: Narayana Murthy considers Mahatma Gandhi as his inspiration. He admires the way Mahatma Gandhi always kept the well-being of the poor in mind whenever he took a decision. Murthy thinks that when making decisions, one should always think of how it would affect poor people.

🙏 Murthy’s generosity during the building stage of Infosys: During the early days of building Infosys, Murthy would take one-tenth of his salary and give 20 percent extra to his younger colleagues. This act of kindness highlights his generosity and belief in teamwork.

🚫 Advice for younger professionals: Narayana Murthy has advised younger professionals to avoid falling into the trap of moonlighting or working from home. He also emphasized the need to deal with laziness to be successful.


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