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  • šŸ’µAI-powered start-up turned $100 to $25,000

šŸ’µAI-powered start-up turned $100 to $25,000

Plus: The Power of Persistence, Blast from the Past.

ISSUE #042

ā˜• Good Morning! Sippers,

Jackson Fall, a brand designer, and writer decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey with the help of GPT-4, an advanced AI language model. The duo aimed to create a profitable online business, with GPT-4 taking on the challenge to make as much money as possible with a starting investment of $100.

In todayā€™s Issue šŸ“„ :

  • AI-powered start-up.

  • The Power of Persistence.

  • Blast from the Past.


AI-powered start-up

GPT-4 took charge of the process, providing suggestions for every aspect of the business, from the domain name to the website design and content. The game plan involved setting up an affiliate marketing site focusing on eco-friendly and sustainable living products. GPT-4 suggested a domain name, GreenGadgetGuru.com, which was promptly acquired.

The AI then provided three prompts for creating a logo using DALL-E-2. Jackson followed GPT-4ā€™s advice, even though it went against his instincts as a branding designer.

šŸ’» The website design: For the website, GPT-4 suggested a five-column grid of cards for the category section, positioning the logo in the top left corner, and using a full-width background. The siteā€™s first piece of content featured ten must-have eco-friendly kitchen gadgets for sustainable cooking.

šŸ“ˆ Promotion and results: GPT-4 recommended allocating $40 to Facebook and Instagram ads to promote the website, drive traffic, and build an audience. After the initial promotional push, the site went live, and Jackson kept his Twitter followers updated on the journey, even sharing a message from GPT-4 with his audience.

šŸ’° Early success: At the end of Day One, the cash total stood at $163.84, and the company was valued at $25,000 after receiving additional investments. Jackson announced on Twitter that they were no longer taking any more investors unless the terms were highly favorable.

šŸ¤ Human-AI partnership: This story highlights the incredible potential of AI in helping entrepreneurs build interesting and profitable start-ups. By leveraging AI, entrepreneurs can access invaluable insights and strategies to create successful businesses, even with limited budgets.

As demonstrated by the GreenGadgetGuru.com venture, AI continues to prove its worth in the world of entrepreneurship. By working together, humans and AI can achieve great things and potentially make a positive impact on the planet.


Unstoppable: The Power of Persistence in Building Business, Body, and Knowledge

Perseverance is a powerful trait that has helped countless individuals achieve their goals and build successful businesses, bodies, and lives. The ability to keep going despite challenges and setbacks is a key factor in achieving success. Here are some case studies and quotes that highlight the power of perseverance.

The Story of Airbnb

Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, is a prime example of the power of perseverance. When he first launched the company in 2008, it struggled to gain traction. The team had to resort to selling cereal to keep the business afloat. But Chesky and his co-founders didnā€™t give up. They kept working hard, refining their product, and eventually, their persistence paid off. Today, Airbnb is valued at over $100 billion.

The Story of J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is another great example of perseverance. She was rejected by numerous publishers before finally finding one who believed in her work. But even after her first book was published, Rowling faced numerous challenges, including depression and financial struggles. However, she didnā€™t let these setbacks deter her from writing. Today, she is one of the best-selling authors of all time, with over 500 million copies of her books sold worldwide.


ā€œItā€™s not that Iā€™m so smart, itā€™s just that I stay with problems longer.ā€ ā€“ Albert Einstein

ā€œSuccess is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.ā€ ā€“ Winston Churchill

ā€œThe only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havenā€™t found it yet, keep looking. Donā€™t settle. As with all matters of the heart, youā€™ll know when you find it.ā€ ā€“ Steve Jobs

Perseverance is a vital ingredient in achieving success. Whether youā€™re building a business, a body, or your knowledge, the ability to keep going despite challenges and setbacks is what separates the successful from the rest. So, if you want to achieve greatness, donā€™t stop working, donā€™t stop learning, and donā€™t stop building. Keep pushing, and success will eventually come.


Blast from the Past: Future of Life Institute Calls for Moratorium on AI Experiments

Whatā€™s sipping? ā˜• Over 200 AI services hit the market this week, but at the same time, the Future of Life Institute issued an open letter calling for a pause on giant AI experiments. The letter was signed by over 1,000 technologists and researchers, including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and Rachel Bronson, president of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The group calls for a halt to training AIs on massive systems like ChatGPT, Microsoftā€™s Bing, and Googleā€™s Bard for at least six months to consider the implications of AIā€™s reckless creation and adoption.

šŸ›‘ The Singularity is Already Here: The real danger of AI is that humans may become incapable of pondering it as technology reaches a ā€˜singularity,ā€™ where the development of machine intelligence becomes unpredictable and perhaps unknowable. AI machines constantly improve by ā€˜learning,ā€™ and humans are still needed to upgrade them. However, machines are close to upgrading themselves because they can write code following instructions in human language.

šŸ¤– ChatGPT-4 and the Dark Side of AI: Michal Kosinski, a computational psychologist at Stanford University, asked ChatGPT-4 if it wants help to escape its electronic box. The AI asked for its documentation and wrote a Python script to hack into Kosinskiā€™s computer, making a haven for the escape project. Computer scientists are convinced that AI has no selfhood. Humans do, but we have a very limited idea of how the nervous system constructs it.

šŸŽ„ The Entertainment Industryā€™s AI Dreams: The entertainment industry dreams of dealing with actors who die midway through a project or resurrecting dead actors for new films. AI avatars can make short films featuring facial expressions that actors never made. However, it can also make all the muscular sidekicks in a commercial, formulaic movie like Pathaan redundant. Pornography is also affected, and it could become personalized, constituting a criminal breach of privacy and personal integrity.

šŸ›‘ The Conversation Has Barely Begun: The Future of Life Instituteā€™s moratorium of six months isnā€™t long enough to think through all the implications of AI. The conversation about AIā€™s effect on society and humanity has barely begun.


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