🦷One tooth at a time! (Issue 021)

Plus: The Power of Comparing, Shashi Tharoor refers to Modi, Jio’s 5G Takeover.

In today’s Issue 📥 :

  • One tooth at a time!

  • The Power of Comparing.

  • Shashi Tharoor refers to Modi.

  • Jio’s 5G Takeover.


This D2C startup is ready to disrupt the oral care industry, one tooth at a time!

What’s Sipping? Ravinder Sharma founded Bengaluru-based oral care firm Live-a-bit in 2020 and delivers solid plant-based formulas in tablet form. It has regulatory approval for 55 goods and more than 80 SKUs.

Live-A-Bit is a Bengaluru-based D2C start-up that aims to revolutionize the oral care industry with its sustainable and innovative approach. With the motto of “perform, preserve, and pledge”, Live-A-Bit is striving to make responsible oral care a norm while undoing practices that harm the planet’s health.

The Need for Sustainable Oral Care

Founder Ravinder Sharma, who invested $400K from his personal savings to bootstrap the start-up, believes that oral care is essential but often taken for granted in India. According to the World Health Organization, about 50% of the world’s population suffers from oral diseases, and the oral care industry is the world’s second-largest plastic polluter. Live-A-Bit’s mission is to help more people embrace responsible oral care by offering sustainable products and undoing practices that negatively impact the planet’s health.

Solid Plant-Based Formulations ☘️

Live-A-Bit offers a range of sustainable products, including solid plant-based formulations such as toothpaste and mouthwash tablets that replace traditional plastic tubes and bottles. The products are designed and formulated by the in-house R&D team, which collectively has more than “40 years of experience”. The start-up ran more than 600 trials for about 12 months before products were submitted for regulatory approval. Its Teeth-a-bit range now offers solid formulations for toothpaste and mouthwash products, with presence in symptomatic segments like multi-protection and sensitivity, and teeth whitening. The start-up has secured regulatory approval for 55 products and offers over 80 SKUs in 27,000 pin codes.

Customizable Oral Care Kits

Live-A-Bit’s D2C platform allows consumers to build their own oral care kits based on their preferences. Each bottle has 60 bits (tablets), with each tablet having the perfect dosage for individuals to clean their teeth every day, aided by some water. “While keeping sustainability a priority and making it travel-friendly and eco-friendly, we are using reusable glass bottles for packaging,” Sharma says.

Sustainable Toothbrushes 

In addition to toothpaste and mouthwash tablets, Live-A-Bit also offers a range of neem and bamboo toothbrushes for adults and kids. “We have under-manufactured toothbrushes that replace plastic with biodegradable neem wood and bamboo,” Sharma adds. All products are suitable for children over the age of five and contain no water, preservatives, dyes, artificial colors, toxins, parabens, or SLS.

Innovative Kids’ Toothpaste

Live-A-Bit recently launched variants like multi-protection toothpaste bits for adults (13+), kids’ multi-protection toothpaste bits (5-12 years), adults’ multi-protection mouthwash bits, teeth whitening bits, and whitening gel. “We are the first in the world to launch kids’ toothpaste in teddy bear-shaped tablets and flavors that encourage healthy brushing rituals,” Sharma says.

The Impressive Growth Numbers

Live-a-bit Founder Calls for Responsible Oral Care, Boasts Impressive Customer Retention and Multi-Platform Presence.

According to Ravinder Sharma, Live-a-bit is more than just a brand name, it’s a call to action for a better world. The Bengaluru-based D2C startup has made it their mission to provide responsible oral care, and it’s paying off with a 38% customer retention rate among its 11,000 customers. The brand has made its presence known on over 15 online platforms, including Amazon, Flipkart, and Tata 1Mg, as well as offline stores such as The Organic World. While 90% of their business currently comes from D2C sales in Tier I towns, Live-a-bit hopes to achieve a 70:30 online-offline ratio in the near future. Sharma credits their success to rigorous R&D and engineered products that are effective with cleaner ingredients and less plastic, making them better for both the consumer and the planet.


The Power of Comparing Little Things and Avoiding the Comparison Trap of Big Things

In our pursuit of success, it’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. However, comparing ourselves to others in broad, general terms often leads to feelings of inadequacy, envy, and misery. On the other hand, when we compare ourselves to others in narrow, specific terms, we can learn valuable skills that help us improve and grow.

Let’s take a look at some examples of how comparing little things can lead to improvement:

Marketing Strategies:

When it comes to marketing, little things can make a big difference. A/B testing, for example, is a simple way to compare the effectiveness of two different marketing strategies. By testing two versions of an email, ad, or landing page, marketers can quickly identify which approach works best for their audience.

“Testing is an essential part of marketing. It allows you to make data-driven decisions that improve the performance of your campaigns.” – Neil Patel

Exercise Technique:

When it comes to exercise, proper technique is key to avoiding injury and achieving maximum results. By comparing and adjusting little things like hand placement, foot position, and breathing, athletes can improve their performance.

“Details create excellence.” – Vince Lombardi

Writing Tactics:

In writing, comparing little things like word choice, sentence structure, and tone can lead to improved clarity and engagement. Analyzing successful writers and comparing their techniques can help writers identify what works and what doesn’t.

“Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader – not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.” – E.L. Doctorow

Now, let’s take a look at some examples of how comparing big things can lead to misery:

Career Path:

When we compare our career progress to that of our peers, it’s easy to feel inadequate or like we’re falling behind. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different and there’s no one right way to achieve success.

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” – Unknown


Comparing our relationship to others can lead to feelings of insecurity and dissatisfaction. Every relationship is unique, and it’s important to focus on our own journey rather than comparing it to others.

“The grass is not always greener on the other side; it’s greener where you water it.” – Neil Barringham

Net Worth:

Comparing our wealth to that of others can lead to feelings of envy and inadequacy. However, it’s important to remember that money doesn’t necessarily equal happiness.

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” – Epictetus

In conclusion, comparison can be both a thief of joy and a teacher of skills. When we compare little things, we can improve and grow. When we compare big things, we can feel miserable and dissatisfied. By focusing on our own journey and embracing the small details, we can find joy and success in our own unique way.


⚠️Shashi Tharoor refers to Modi's 'not era for war' remark; ‘As clear a message..'

Jio’s 5G Takeover: World’s Largest Standalone Network with Affordable Services by 2023

India’s biggest telecom operator, Reliance Jio, is set to become the world’s largest player with a pure 5G network this year. According to a senior official of the company, Jio promises to provide services at affordable rates to the masses.

Speaking to the PTI at the Mobile World Congress, Reliance Jio President Mathew Oommen said that India needs inclusive growth, and Jio will continue to support it. “Jio will be the largest 5G SA (standalone) only network operator in the world in the second half of 2023, ensuring that all advanced services and capabilities are available affordably to the masses,” Oommen said.

The company is focusing on rolling out 5G SA, while its competitor Bharti Airtel is rolling out a 5G (NSA) non-standalone network, which can provide a mix of 5G and 4G services. This move by Jio is expected to revolutionize the telecom industry, as it will bring advanced services and capabilities to the masses at affordable rates.

In response to questions about the company’s 5G rollout plan and Bharti Airtel’s push for an increase in mobile call and data services price, Oommen said, “India needs inclusive growth. Jio will continue to support India’s inclusive growth.”

Meanwhile, Bharti Airtel Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal earlier this week said mobile call and data rates will go up this year as the return on capital in the telecom business is very low. Airtel had last month increased the price of its minimum recharge or the entry-level for the 28-day mobile phone service plan by about 57 percent to Rs 155 in eight circles.

With Jio’s promise of affordable 5G services for the masses, we can expect a shift in the telecom industry’s dynamics.


Rival: Billionaire Elon Musk is developing a new lb to create an alternative to ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot, which he said is too “woke”, according to Vice News.

Calls off wedding: A would-be bride’s wedding got called off after a trip to the local beauty parlor turned disastrous. The woman had gone for a makeover ahead of the wedding. During the process, her face turned black. After seeing her condition, the groom canceled the wedding.

Next level: “I am taking the Trump America first agenda to the next level to actually get the job done, Maria, and I believe I am leading and will continue to lead this field with the specificity of policy proposals and vision that I put on the table,” Vivek Ramaswamy said.

$1.3 billion loan: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd on Friday approved a rollover of a $1.3 billion loan for cash-strapped Pakistan, which will help shore up its depleting foreign exchange reserves, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said.

Playing Cricket: Indian army soldiers playing cricket, and ice hockey in Galwan.

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